Young Women in Leadership Award: YWLA scholarships are awarded to women aged 16 to19 (as of April 1st each year) who demonstrate: an active commitment to volunteerism; leadership in local government, student government or workplace leadership; knowledge of Zonta International and its programs;, and dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Recipient will receive $500 from the local club and the application will be forwarded to the district level. If selected at district, she will receive $1000 from the District and and a $5,000 scholarship from Zonta International. The deadline for applications is March 1. For more information and application go to:
General Application Information
The annual scholarship award winners are invited and encouraged to attend a Zonta Club of Fort Collins meeting to be recognized. You will be informed of date and time
Former Scholarship Winners:
Arlene Davy Scholarship winners: YWPA Scholarship winners: Jane M. Klausman winners:
2004 - Jennifer Flint 2012 - Jenette Yanez - D12 Award of Distinction 2016 - Tamara Mack
2005 - Athena Krein 2013 - Devon Miller 2018 - Ujunwa Okeke
2006 - Tanay Estrada 2014 - Siyu Wu 2022 - Colleen Kennedy
2007 - Tanay Estrada 2016 - Asmita Jha 2024 - Rebecca Mikrut
2008 - Pricilla Hagedom 2017 - Kaitlyn Henderson
2010 - Jessica Waechter and Merinda Caypers 2023 - Taylor Eskew
2011 - Jessica Hines 2024 - Clara Drysdale
2012 - Deborah Gyang and Tracey Taylor
2013 - Doreen Kern and Suzanne Dunlap
2014 - Amy Myhre and Monica Zarling
2018 - Emily Schwellenback
2018 - Mariah Kennell
2019 - Portia Cook
2020 - Iman Al Khafaji, Ashley Romance, Brisa Simmons, Latina McCoy, Portia Cook
2021 - Iman Al Khafaji, Michelle Oberstar, Elizabeth Post, Sarah Jensen
2024 - Kimberley Laughren, Destiny Reeves, D’ijah Rushing
If you would like to help us in our support of single Mom's with scholarships we invite you to consider being a sponsor for our 'Meet The Author' event. We also have an opportunity for a business and/or an individual to be an Annual Scholarship Sponsor. Please contact us for further information at our email address: [email protected]
- Arlene Davy Memorial Scholarship: Scholarships are given to local single mothers pursuing a bachelor's or associate degree. Applicants must demonstrate need and express career goals. If selected, a $1,000 award will be deposited directly into the student’s school account. The deadline for applications is June 1st. For further information please contact us at: [email protected] with Arlene Davy in subject line. Click here for the application: arlene_davey_scholarship_application-2025.docx
- Zonta Club of Fort Collins Foundation Advanced Certification Scholarship: This scholarship will be awarded biannually to women and/or individuals who identify as female. Awardees will receive an award of $500 through their educational institution and deposited into their school account. Applicants are required to fill out the application and submit to [email protected]. Awards will be given in January and June of each year. Click here for more information and the application: ZCFC Foundation Advanced Scholarship Application Form 2024 2025.docx : arlene_davey_certificate_program_scholarship_application-2025.docx
Young Women in Leadership Award: YWLA scholarships are awarded to women aged 16 to19 (as of April 1st each year) who demonstrate: an active commitment to volunteerism; leadership in local government, student government or workplace leadership; knowledge of Zonta International and its programs;, and dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Recipient will receive $500 from the local club and the application will be forwarded to the district level. If selected at district, she will receive $1000 from the District and and a $5,000 scholarship from Zonta International. The deadline for applications is March 1. For more information and application go to:
- Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award: Please see the Zonta International website for information on this Award:
- Women in STEM Award: Please see the Zonta International website for information on this Award.
General Application Information
- Mail physical applications to Zonta Club of Fort Collins: P.O. Box 272914, Fort Collins, CO 80527, or email a copy to [email protected] with scholarship name in the subject line. Hard or digital copy must be received on or before the deadline date.
- If you have any questions about any of the awards or scholarships please email us at: [email protected] with Scholarship in subject line.
The annual scholarship award winners are invited and encouraged to attend a Zonta Club of Fort Collins meeting to be recognized. You will be informed of date and time
Former Scholarship Winners:
Arlene Davy Scholarship winners: YWPA Scholarship winners: Jane M. Klausman winners:
2004 - Jennifer Flint 2012 - Jenette Yanez - D12 Award of Distinction 2016 - Tamara Mack
2005 - Athena Krein 2013 - Devon Miller 2018 - Ujunwa Okeke
2006 - Tanay Estrada 2014 - Siyu Wu 2022 - Colleen Kennedy
2007 - Tanay Estrada 2016 - Asmita Jha 2024 - Rebecca Mikrut
2008 - Pricilla Hagedom 2017 - Kaitlyn Henderson
2010 - Jessica Waechter and Merinda Caypers 2023 - Taylor Eskew
2011 - Jessica Hines 2024 - Clara Drysdale
2012 - Deborah Gyang and Tracey Taylor
2013 - Doreen Kern and Suzanne Dunlap
2014 - Amy Myhre and Monica Zarling
2018 - Emily Schwellenback
2018 - Mariah Kennell
2019 - Portia Cook
2020 - Iman Al Khafaji, Ashley Romance, Brisa Simmons, Latina McCoy, Portia Cook
2021 - Iman Al Khafaji, Michelle Oberstar, Elizabeth Post, Sarah Jensen
2024 - Kimberley Laughren, Destiny Reeves, D’ijah Rushing
If you would like to help us in our support of single Mom's with scholarships we invite you to consider being a sponsor for our 'Meet The Author' event. We also have an opportunity for a business and/or an individual to be an Annual Scholarship Sponsor. Please contact us for further information at our email address: [email protected]
The Zonta Club of Fort Collins Foundation was organized on November 21, 2013 to receive and administer funds to carry out the charitable and educational objectives of the Zonta Club of Fort Collins, and to support charitable organizations that advance the charitable objectives of the Zonta Club of Fort Collins Foundation. Programs include scholarship opportunities, service, and advocacy projects that benefit women locally and globally.
Zonta Club of Fort Collins Foundation was granted its 501( c ) ( 3 ) exemption status on August 26, 2014. Our FEIN is 46-4078723.
Zonta Club of Fort Collins Foundation was granted its 501( c ) ( 3 ) exemption status on August 26, 2014. Our FEIN is 46-4078723.